
This website privacy policy applies to the information we collect on the www.forbetdis. com website (collectively referred to as the "Site"), how we use this information, who we share information with, and the choices made by users of our site regarding our use of information. We also described the measures we have taken to protect information security and how users can contact us regarding our privacy practices.

The information we collect

1.1. We will not use this website to collect, store, or process your personal data.

1.2. All data collected on this website is provided and received solely as anonymous data (hereinafter referred to as "anonymous data"). This type of data table cannot identify visitors to specific website pages.

1.3. Anonymous data includes the following information that cannot be recognized by you:

1.3.1. Data is automatically transmitted anonymously based on the settings of the software used.

1.4. You hereby understand and accept the possibility of using third-party software on this website. Therefore, such third-party software may anonymously obtain and transmit the data specified in Article 1.3. The designated third-party software includes a system for collecting traffic statistics information (such as Google Analytics).

The composition and conditions for collecting anonymous data using third-party software are directly determined by its copyright owner and may include:

Browser data (type, version, cookie);

• Information about the equipment and its location;

• Information about the operating system (type, version, display resolution);

• Request details (time, reference source, IP address)

1.6. The site uses data for the following purposes:

Marketing, statistics, and other research activities;

Targeted advertising materials on the website.

1.7. Sites store data and prevent unauthorized access and distribution by restricting access to such data.

More information about our automated collection of information

When you visit our website, we may use cookies, network Server log, Web beacon, JavaScript and other technologies to collect some information automatically. Our website is not designed to respond to "no tracking" signals from browsers. When visitors use our website, we will not intentionally allow any other party to collect personal information about visitors' online activities over time and across third-party websites.

Cookies are files sent by websites to your computer or other networked devices, used as a unique identifier for your browser or to store information or settings on your device. Our website may use cookies (such as HTTP and HTML5 cookies) and Flash cookies, as well as other types of local storage (such as browser based or plugin based local storage). Your browser may tell you how to receive notifications when receiving certain types of cookies, as well as how to restrict or disable certain cookies. You can also delete your Flash cookies or adjust your Flash cookie settings by accessing the Adobe Flash website storage settings panel and global storage settings panel. However, please note that without cookies, you may not be able to use all the features of our website.

While collecting information through cookies, our network server may record information such as your device type, operating system type, browser type, domain, and other system settings, as well as your system language, as well as the country and time zone where your device is located. The web Server log may also record information, such as the web page address that leads you to our website and the IP address of the device you use to connect to the Internet. They may also record information about your interaction with the site, such as the pages you visit. In order to control which web servers collect information automatically, we may place labels called "Web beacon" on our web pages. These labels are small files that link web pages to specific web servers and their cookies. We may also use JavaScript or other Computer language to send instructions to your device to collect the above types of information and other details about your interaction with the site.

When you use our mobile application, we may collect data, such as unique device identifiers or their equivalents.

We may use third-party network analysis services, such as Google Analytics, on our website. These service providers help us analyze how users use the website. The information collected for this purpose, including your IP address and other information collected through automated means, will be disclosed to or directly collected by these service providers. To learn more about exiting these activities, click here.

The providers of social sharing tools and other third-party plugins on our website may use automated methods to collect information about your use of the website and your interaction with plugins. This information is subject to the privacy policies or notifications of the plugin provider and is not subject to the privacy policies of this website. We are not responsible for the information practices of these providers.

How do we use the information we collect

We may use the above information for:

Perform data analysis (including Data anonymization and aggregation of information).

Operate, evaluate, and improve our business (including developing new products and services; enhancing and improving our products, services, websites, and mobile applications; managing our communication; analyzing our products and services; and performing accounting, auditing, and other internal functions).

Prevent, identify, and prevent fraud and other illegal activities, claims, and other liabilities, and comply with relevant industry standards, in accordance with our policies, to implement any agreements we may have with you; Or fulfill our legal obligations, such as complying with and enforcing applicable legal requirements.

In addition, where applicable laws provide, we may seek your consent (obtained upon receipt of information collected through automated means) to:

(i) Customize user access to our site, (ii) provide content tailored to user interests and the way users browse our site, and (iii) manage other aspects of our site and our business.

The information we share

We will not sell or otherwise disclose the information we collect about you, except as described in the privacy policy of this website. We may share information related to this website and our company's operations with service providers, including website hosting, service provision, and distribution of promotional materials. We will not authorize these service providers to use or disclose this information unless it is necessary for these service providers to perform services that we require or are required by law.

The data collected above may be transmitted to our affiliated and subsidiary companies in the Russian Federation, but it is limited to the above purposes and should comply with all security measures applicable to your data before transmission.

In addition, we may disclose collected information (i) in accordance with legal or regulatory requirements, (ii) as required by law enforcement or other government agencies, and (iii) when we believe that disclosure is necessary or appropriate to prevent personal injury or economic losses, or to investigate suspected or actual fraud or illegal activities. If we sell or transfer all or part of our business or assets, we also reserve the right to transfer the user information we own (including in the case of restructuring, dissolution, or liquidation).

How do we protect personal information

We take management, technical, and physical protection measures to protect the information you provide on the website from accidental, illegal, or unauthorized destruction, loss, alteration, access, disclosure, or use.

Your information will be retained based on the time required for the purpose of collection and the requirements of applicable laws or regulations.

If you have any questions or opinions about the privacy policy of this website, you can contact us through the following methods.

Link to other websites and applications

For your convenience and information needs, our website may provide links to other websites or applications. These websites may operate independently of us. The linked websites and applications may have their own privacy statements or policies, and we strongly recommend that you review them. If any linked website is not owned or controlled by us, we are not responsible for the content of the website or application, any usage of the website or application, or the privacy practices of the website or application.

Our website privacy statement update

To reflect changes in our personal information practices, this website's privacy policy may be updated regularly without prior notice. We will publish a prominent notice on our website to inform you of any significant changes to our website privacy policy, and indicate the latest update time at the top of the notice.