Company dynamics

"To music as" after the new easy opportunity where

With Sun Hongbin strong into the main, Jia Yue Ting out of the United States, old music as its assets are being reconstructed, there are sticky users easy to Teng Tao capital ransom, but re-easy to get on the road where?


At least the mystery of this puzzle game is already showing.


First, the end of the team concussion


When the music as the main easy, although repeatedly claimed that the company's governance structure remains unchanged, but Zhou Hang Peng Gang overhead rumors are still not go away. From Zhou Hang issued an open letter, turn to Shun as capital, founding team collective run away, and then to the music as the four executives out of the side, and Peng Gang 6 months may leave the legend.


That is a variety of external information problems, the company changed the afternoon tea are considered not easy to easy, and now the personnel turmoil is not just beginning, but hascome to an end. Tao Yun's easy to use the car although there is no new strategy sound, it touches on the "first peace of mind, in order to anxious" truth.


Second, the settlement of funds and arrears dispute


Easy to why the storm where the two points?


First, after the music as the main, Zhou Hang on the market structure to produce optimistic estimates for the rapid start of the market, too radical to start the unprecedented strength of 100 back to 100 activities;


Followed by the music as their own crisis to bring disaster to the fish, to bring easy to bring pressure to operate, and thus lead to easy to move in accordance with the scheduled pace of strategic ideas.


But from another point of view, easy to not nothing, it used to build up with 40 million users and 600 million owners is still an effective barrier, especially on June 30 in Tao Yun support to restore the driver to mention, but also Let the market regain confidence.


Third, "to music vision" basically completed


The original music as easy to control the business logic of many people do not understand, but in essence is nothing more than the use of external forces to the momentum of the usual tactics only. That time Jia Yue Ting is obsessed with the SEE plan, in the United States for the Faraday platform, plus easy to probably to the content of the ecological code spread means, confrontation Chen Tong joined the aggressive millet, in addition to the full range of repairer into the high frequency scenes.


Today's easy to "to music as", not so much with the old master of music as a clear line, it is better to say that with the kind of greed, flashy operating style of the break.


Although the mystery is clear, but easy to be able to successfully solve the problem, to complete customs clearance, but also depends on the following points:


1, the re-activation of the stock user


Easy to get back in November 2015 to start in July 2016 to reach the climax, according to the data released at that time, there are 6.53 million users to recharge, effectively boost the growth of revenue and user size.


But also from that time on, almost all third-party data shows that the user's activity to the APP began to decline, which was described as "money to the user to run the money," but it solved at least one important question.


That is, the original focus on the user experience, self-enclosed in a relatively small audience in the easy, but in the drops and Uber subsidies during the winter break to complete the delineation of basic users, although costly.


Easy to recover the two paths:


Through the subsidy from the Friends of the hands of users deprived. But today's network bus is a policy under the control of the mature market, the means of competition is difficult to work, and the user can not call the car, the driver does not want to order the situation has been going on for some time, easy to come, The user is not the time, the cost is too high, and rely on the service to establish word of mouth there is time cost.


From the stock of users to find opportunities for cash. On the surface, it continues to serve the users who have already entered the back-to-consume stage, which does not seem to be in an easy-to-use interest, but the latter's orders are easy to stabilize in both directions at both ends of supply and demand. The trend of declining user activity has been contained, to return to a virtuous circle. As for the impact of reborn revenue problems, more research management team and revenue management department in product design and scene operations on the ability.


2, Tao Yun capital will use much effort to support easy to?


Tao Yun Capital invested a lot of projects, but generally concentrated in the financial, new energy vehicles, consumer goods, large entertainment and other fields, indicating that the direction of investment is concerned about the broad market and the scene under the scene.


Tao Yun capital of the helm Wen Xiaodong said, "can not operate so much heart, the first easy to say," said the same time that easy to need to continue to invest about 23 billion, and then think of Tao into the main For easy management, users and drivers have a series of in-depth interviews, can be seen Tao Yun is easy to focus on the potential and the ability to heterogeneous collaboration.


3, the new easy opponent who is who?


Weekly easy to have three different types of friends. One is the same as the C2C model of the drops, including Uber China before; the other is the Divine car and the first steam bus about the B2C mode; there is a class is backed by Geely Cao Cao car, Shanghai Volkswagen Group's public travel and many more.


Has got 8 net license plate license easy, and its real opponent will not be Shenzhou car and the first car, it will not be a good ride back to the trees, but for the car to promote the new energy vehicles that kind of test products The


The real goal is to drop, due to the grid access to the strict access threshold, drops have to accept the difference with the parade taxi competition. The market capacity has shrunk, from the subsidy impulse to fine operation, showing that there is a series of recent actions to improve the service experience, which is not familiar with the market, but more experienced.


Easy to set up such as the configuration of the English driver and allow the user to select the driver settings, has shown a deep service culture rather than GMV culture gene. In the era of fury competition, easy to have left behind, with Zhou Hang's words, is "not ruthless, not bad enough", but in a standardized market, which is the core competitiveness.


4, overseas is a gimmick or strategy?


In 2014, he opened the North American service, mainly with the Chinese call the overseas Chinese market, announced in March this year, joined the Splyt Global Travel Alliance, which launched the world's four continents more than 280 cities in a key cross-platform called the car, Easy is also one of the service providers. But Splyt is neither the Chinese people familiar with the parity platform, nor like an APP will be able to share all the cycling "small invention." For all participating companies, it is an open API interface and the account system of the order platform.


Easy to go abroad, of course, should not only hope that this threshold is not the diversion platform, more likely to invest in specific areas of Tao Yu wedge, or seek opportunities for cross-industry cooperation.


5, derivative business is to continue to promote?


Once easy to have a lot of ambitious plans, not only do a taxi, do the car are in the drop before, as well as early music than the Internet easy to start the Internet plan and the car travel plans. Easy to the concept from the "anytime, anywhere private car" to "car sharing ecology".


After the Tao into the main of these plans have been quiet for a long time may be restarted.


So, easy to return to the market after the pattern of how?


drop the merger Uber plus the network about the introduction of the New Deal, so that the market surprisingly calm, but the undercurrent is still a lot, Shenzhou car and the bus is set up a car C2C platform, digging drops, and injection of the drop is committed to make up Full product line.


From the fight to the war to the market to give easy to recover the opportunity, but the latter still need to pay attention to two points:


1, the rapid recovery of both ends of the platform supply anddemand vitality, enhance the user sticky, into a virtuous circle;

2, the development of effective product strategy, balance the amount of concentrated consumption of users back to the pressure;


At the end of last year, Cheng Wei, who participated in the Third World Internet Conference, said that "the game has been finished in China at home," he also worried that the drop of "lost competition, lost vitality, lost the future."


For the Cheng Wei's optimism and self-boast, in the Tao Yun capital support to re-stand up again and again to conquer the new and easy, probably have different views.





